Reading is best

I seem to find myself arguing against research showing the disadvantages of digital content. First, there was the research arguing students learn more effectively when reading from paper in comparison to the screen. The data are always the data, but the methodology is key to understanding. I wonder about the time learners have spent learning from paper versus learning from a screen. We spend a lot of time reading from a screen, much of this experience is focused on short reads and reading for enjoyment. Reading extended documents is far less common, but I guess it could be problematic for other reasons. I keep coming back to why I read long form content on a device. Mostly, I do this because I am interested in reading in preparation for something else. In service of the future use of what I read, I highlight and annotate knowing that I have reason to return to resources at some time in the future and the notes and highlights are very helpful for this purpose. I think there is a difference between reading and studying lengthy documents.

I encountered a recent review of digital content that brought up the paper versus screen controversy, but went further to express concern that academics were using video and audio recordings in place of reading. The author of this summary proposes that students would rather watch or listen than read, but cites research showing that reading results in superior retention. I agree with this conclusion partly because the position agrees with my personal experience. My personal observation is that it is far too easy to lose focus while listening or viewing and this does not seem as possible while reading. The audio or video continues to play even when you are daydreaming or focusing elsewhere, but the flow of text stops as soon as you stop paying attention.

I believe that video could be used more effectively. Services allow layering questions and annotations on video. Digital control of listening or viewing can make scrubbing back to revisit content when you lose focus. It is not the same as being in a classroom when the live presentation continues whether you are paying attention or not. Like highlighting and annotating digital text while reading, the more active engagement with video or audio is possible, but requires a commitment to what is possible. There are several services you might explore – YiNote makes a good example.


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