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Project Example - Geocaching: Encouraging Local Explorations Using GPS

One interesting project that can be implemented using GPS technology is geocaching. Geocaching is an activity in which enthusiasts hide or locate small “treasures” using the capabilities of global positioning technology. The cache, typically a small plastic pail or container, holds a log book and sometimes small trinkets. The term “cache” has a historical meaning - it refers to a hiding place for provisions. The location of the cache is shared by the hider, or cache host, as precise longitude and latitude coordinates, and visitors are encouraged to locate the site, observe the surroundings, read and sign the log book, leave and take a trinket, and often claim the success of the discovery on a web site.

Consider how a class might take responsibility for establishing and maintaining a cache. The class might create a cache on school grounds or perhaps with permission in a nearby park. The coordinates of this cache might be shared with other classes who would be invited to use a GPS device to search for the hidden treasure.

If you are interested in geocaching on a larger scale, you should visit the main geocaching web site ( Geocaches are established to encourage tourism, promote sites of some historical or environmental significance, and just because some find the adventure associated with this hobby to be intriguing.

You might first enter your ZIP code at this web site to discover geocaches in close proximity to your present location. We are almost certain you will find that multiple geocaches exist. You can learn when local caches were last located and sometimes read the comments of visitors. This site also provides advice on creating a geocache and offers the opportunity to advertise your site. As you might expect, it is important to respect the rights of property owners and the environment when establishing a geocache and to understand the long term commitment that goes along with advertising a site for others to discover.

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