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Newsela Paired Texts

Answering questions from online resources involves some unique challenges. Typically, the online resources located through a search approach a topic in different ways. The learner must evaluate credibility and must often combine elements of information across sources to generated a satisfactory answer (Guthrie, 1988). We know that it cannot be assumed that students learn such skills from traditional learning experiences (Guthrie, 1988) and we know that learner experiences outside of school influence how effectively students can accomplish such tasks (Leu, et al., 2015). The increasing frequency with which we all turn to online search for information suggests the need to purposefully develop skills involved in piecing together credible information from multiple documents.

Newsela, an online service focused on the developing reading skills, offers a service suited to this educational goal. Among the resources offered are paired texts. Newsela locates two online sources related to a current topic. Each pair of texts is associated brief background comments, discussion topics and a writing prompt.



One of the weaknesses in implementing many popular instructional tactics (e.g., problem-based learning, project-based learning, argumentation activities, WebQuests) is getting from an understanding of the tactic to a specific activity for classroom implementation that is relevant to a curriculum need. This is why resources such as Newsela paired texts provides such a valuable starting point for educators.

Leu, D. J., et al. (2015). "The New Literacies of Online Research and Comprehension: Rethinking the Reading Achievement Gap." Reading Research Quarterly 50(1): 37-59.

Guthrie, J. (1988). Locating Information in Documents: Examination of a Cognitive Model. Reading Research Quarterly, 23(2), 178-199.


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