Thanks to all for recognizing my birthday. Evidently, when Facebook was new, I created an account and included my birthdate. You all evidently know much more about Facebook than I and have received some notification that has prompted you to contact me with birthday wishes.
Allow me to respond.
1) Thank-you – this particular birthday was not that big of a deal, but I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Do not get me wrong. I am quite pleased that this birthday happened. By the way, the next birthday will be more significant (unless some opportunities I am expecting are regarded as entitlements I should be able to put off).
Please do not expect that I will reciprocate when your birthday rolls around. There must be some Facebook feature I do not know how to turn on that would tell me when a greeting would be appropriate. Know that I wish all of you the appropriate greetings and value you as a friend (used in the actual rather than Facebook way).
I am seriously far over my limit for social media and Facebook is not one of my priorities.
2) To respond to your queries regarding how I am doing – both Cindy and I are doing well. We are both still employed and both think this is a good thing for now. We are in good health. I, at least, find that being older brings some freedoms I did not recognize and probably did not have at a younger age. Within reasonable limits we pretty much do what we want.