I enjoy coffee shops a great deal. I like coffee and for some reason I like the kind of people who like to hang out in coffee shops.
We heard the story of a barista as told to a couple of film students (typical coffee shop people) in the Everything Cafe. After making this latte, the barista described his interest in all things coffee and indicated that he was leaving this shop in a couple of days. He had this idea for a new business related to coffee. I read a lot about young folks who are involved in business startups, but I can’t say I have really met such folks. Both the barista and the film students were into such opportuntiies.
The barista was going to start a coffee roasting startup patterned after a similar venture in San Francisco. Evidently, some businesses like to offer coffee to their employees as a perk (get it) and there is an opportunity for a roaster who will provide coffee beans each morning. I can understand this – I have a fine coffee maker at home and if this machine was in a business and available to employees it would be a nice benefit for some.
The barista said that all things coffee were his passion. I respect that. I do not know enough people who seem to have “a passion”. For too many, the interest seems to be self focused and involves little beyond self promotion. I think I value those individuals who do something well and do not depend on others to recognize this accomplishment.
So, I hope you begin your day with a fine cup of coffee and I hope you are then off to work that you find to be meaningful even if no one else notices.