What to do on a winter day when the below-zero temps make a venture outside painful? Go to your garden, pick some basil, and make pesto.
The garden in this case is in the corner of my living room and allows me to raise vegetables and herbs year-round with hydroponic agriculture. The herbs I grow produce far more than we can consume to flavor dishes. How much basil does anyone use in a normal week?
It takes two cups of basil to make a batch of pesto. You can substitute spinach or maybe kale if you don’t have enough or can’t afford enough, but that was not necessary in this base.
My pesto is pretty good. I have a secret. Once not having the traditional Parmesan cheese, I tried blue cheese. What an improvement in the flavor.
Now, if I could figure out what to do with all of that parsley.
Basil Pesto Recipe (remember the blue cheese)