
I wrote this three years ago. Facebook recommends you of past posts and this is what came up today. I continue to hold this position and may be even more concerned that others see the country and world in a different way.

We seem to be entering a period of time when existing moral principles are being discarded to increase rather than decrease inequity. These inequalities have long existed, but those struggling to gain equality seem to be making many nervous.

Males are advantaged over females.
Christians are advantaged over other religions.
Rich are advantaged over less well off.
Whites are advantaged over other races.
Those who already have a place in this country are advantaged over those who like to make this country great.

This movement is so selfish and so out of the long-standing character that made American great. The notion that Americans or those who are presently privileged work harder, are more intelligent, or are special is not only a myth but a convenient way to discriminate. The system we built promoted trying to make the country a fair playing field and then to promote achievement through competition. It now seems we are afraid we can no longer compete so we are resorting to isolation and provisions that protect those who present have a privileged state.

Once you are afraid to put your skills and your work effort on the line, those who do will eventually surpass you. If you are great as you say, prove it.

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