Once in a while, I decide to repost something I wrote previously. Some content does not seem to become dated and this is a way of brining this material to what may be a new audience. This one is from 2013.

I may be too easily annoyed, but “insider speak” annoys me. Educators should know better than use unique terminology as part of their mission is to communicate with a broad audience. When they constantly refer to PD, SAMR, NAEP, and CCSS, I am guessing the commentary that follows has little impact on the general public.

However, maybe my attitude is functioning as a personal liability. You must set yourself apart to gain recognition. Perhaps I should try to create my own “in group” and see if I can generate an acronym that I can claim as a special insight.

[pause for 5 minutes of thinking time]

I have it. I call my new education model LOYO. I considered for a moment calling my model PPD, as in personal professional development, but decided that I am a fan of the vowel. LOYO encourages individualization, personalization, and differentiation. These must be really good things because I keep reading that these are important processes. LOYO is Learning On Your Own. Because I am a tech guy, I will first emphasize a unique version of LOYO that will hence be referred to as OLOYO (online learning on your own).

For those of you interested in becoming OLOYOs, you need to develop tools that feed you information for REFLECTION (another one of those insider terms). I kept thinking reflection was some kind of STEM term related to mirrors and physics, but it turns out after some OLOYO that it means thinking. See how well my model works for LOYO.

When engaged in LOYO via OLOYO, it is important to recognize that you are likely to have personal biases and these may limit the content you access for REFLECTION. To overcome this known bias, I recommend you both follow some folks who say things you find helpful (see Feedly) and also seek broader input in case your selection of experts runs to those I would refer to as a DOOFUS (not an acronym, but you can access a definition through Webster. To protect yourself from the DOOFUS effect, I recommend Google Alerts.

Follow this blog for further LOYO developments. Become a LOYO promoter. Become LOYO certified so you can add another honorary to your email signature block. You do not have to seek my approval or attend one of my workshops to secure this certification. In keeping with the spirit of LOYO, you are encouraged to certify yourself. I am working on some rubrics to guide your SE (self evaluation), but until I have another five minutes to develop the SE model and associated rubrics, you are on your own.

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