Saturday at the office. I just completed one of my more important Spring tasks – the installation and duct taping of the air conditioner.
We academics get a bad rap. We are considered elitist and impractical. Not me – I can accomplish manly tasks with the best of them. Today I have already changed a tire and used duct tape. What can be more practical?
Duct taping in your air conditioner is not officially sanctioned by the University of North Dakota. The official position is that your air conditioner should be installed permanently. If you use duct tape, you are to use the tape to cover your air conditioner with plastic in the winter to keep out the draft. These are solutions proposed by the folks who go home at 4, don’t work Saturdays, and have offices in the administrative building with central air. We manly types would prefer to be able to see out our window for a few months of the year and we must figure out a way to install a $129 air conditioner we must keep for 5 plus years. Multiple installations and removals are evidently not typical for such equipment and the expandable wings that allow an inexpensive air conditioner to fit any window seem to have a life span of a year or two. Hence, the duct tape. I think if you stand back ten yards or more it looks OK.