
Weather extremes seem an experience many of us now share. A year ago we were in the middle of a drought followed by a winter that wasn’t. Many days with record high temperatures. Now, the midwest has experienced so much rain with widespread flooding. Our own situation is summarized in the following graph. This is the second-highest year for precipitation (second line) which would possible have been the overall record if the winter had produced more snow.

Sometimes there are upsides. I like gardening. The frequent rains and reasonable temperatures have been perfect for getting our garden up and thriving. The following image is our new addition. It is called a garden tower. What you cannot see is the tube that runs down the middle of the tower. This tube holds worms that turn vegetable matter into compost that both feeds the garden and can be collected at the bottom of the tower to use elsewhere. It is amazing how quickly plants in the garden grow and produce a wide variety of vegetables.

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