Tech Alternatives

The recent change in the control of Twitter has generated interest among users in exploring a different, but comparable platform. From time to time you hear the same threats from users of other social media platforms and services (Facebook, Instagram, Google Search). Many are upset with these large tech companies and are attempting to get Congress to require changes. Opportunities for change or at least experimentation with alternatives.

I use Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram myself and was an early adopter of each service. However, I have also explored what I consider alternatives to these services. The major issue with the alternatives have little to do with technology and far more to do with the users reluctance to move even if they could enroll in alternatives. This problem, usually called the network effect, means that a service that has comparable power is less useful if it has fewer users. These are social media companies.

Here are the alternatives I suggest you try.

Twitter – Try Mastodon. Mastodon is what is called a federated service. This means there are multiple instances of the service that are linked. Different instances may or may not focus on a topic. If you are technologically inclined you set up your Mastodon instance. You can belong to multiple instances if you want. For example, I belong to (the original instance) and Mastodon has grown substantially since the change in leadership at Twitter. This has not been as obvious with the other alternatives I will mention.

Facebook – I have tried several alternatives for Facebook. MeWe and My strategy for the content I might post to Facebook is to distribute this content across multiple services. I post only comments on political issues to Facebook. I post content on other issues on my personal blogs with pointers to

Instagram – I have no issues with Instagram with the exception of this service being owned by Facebook and sharing data on my activity across services. My alternate photo sharing site is

Google Search – I have different search services associated with different devices I use. In addition to Google I use DuckDuckGo and Brave search.

All of these services can be tried without cost. I have spent a little money supporting two of these services, but this was not required.

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