Ice Bugs

This winter I face a challenge I have not experienced since retirement. No, it is not avoiding the pandemic, but it is related. I must stay in the great white north and cannot escape south or to Hawaii. We are now entering the part of the year that gets long and dreary. No holiday or festival on the horizon. Yes, we do get to inaugurate a new President and I might get my COVID shots and both will be positive events, but I am talking about the daily grind of cold and darkness, ice and snow as winter gets long.

We have been making investments in anticipation of the great weary. I have an Aerogarden to grow lettuce and tomatoes in my living room as a way to watch stuff that is green and growing. My other major purchase arrived today – size 13 IceBugs. We learned about IceBugs last year about this time and try as I might there were only size 12s available. I wear a size 14 shoe so a size 13 is a bit of a stretch (actually the opposite of a stretch). I could get them on fine and Cindy wanted to know how my toes felt. I could feel them so I am going to put the purchase on the line and walk in them.

IceBugs are something like gold shoes with very short cleats. Whatever I do, I must remember not to walk on our wooden floors.

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