I understand that the COVID illness striking so many of the White House inner circle is a terrible thing and I would not wish this infection on anyone. However, the stubborn, purposeful ignorance of Republicans and the Republican leadership must be held partially responsible. Cornell has completed an analysis of 1.1 million news articles reporting conspiracy theories and false information associated with the pandemic and found that President Trump is the number one ultimate source for false information. Now, we have the infection of the President and multiple individuals from his inner circle. This is not just bad luck or related to the demands of the work that must be done. This article from the Minneapolis Star Tribute describes the problem as pandemic recklessness. The immediate and extended dangers associated with the attitudes and motivation (whatever that might be) should not be underestimated. The problems experienced in the U.S. are statistically unique and simply should not be possible given our wealth and medical expertise.
How did this become a politically partisan issue? Why do we have a leader who mocks his election opponent because of mask wearing and hiding in his basement rather than being out encouraging thousands of unmasked fans? Why do we have Governors (I am most familiar with Minnesota and Wisconsin) being sued by political rivals because the Democratic Governors have mandated mask policies and limited opportunities for large public gatherings? Why does it seem that the Democrats are siding with the public health experts and the scientists and the Republicans reject the advice that has been given?
I understand that Democrats tend to encourage government policies that often include restrictions related to dangers to the public and the environment and Republicans encourage greater personal freedoms. However, it is obvious that personal freedom and frankly personal ignorance must be considered major problems here. The mask thing is not only about personal protection in the way seat belts or hands-free driving are about personal protection. The mask is not only about protecting the individual from risky behavior that might result in an injury (a disease in this case). With encouraging or requiring cloth masks and limiting large gatherings, this is more about protecting others. It comes down to whether you believe individuals have the right to be selfish and act in ways that endanger others – me before we.
Maybe reality will finally set in with the President and those in the inner circle becoming ill, but I am not confident. Somehow logic and facts don’t seem to matter when behavior becomes politicized.