My reading on economics

When people understand you read a lot, you end up with many recommendations. These recommendations sometimes are generated by what I write about. With the exception of technology which I have been deeply involved with since the mid-1980s, my opinions on many matters are shaped by what I read.

I am interested in economics and how it relates to the stock market because of my interest in the growing economic inequality in this country. While I read content from many sources, I am probably most influenced by long reads. So, given some don’t understand my opinion about the general U.S. economy and the stock market even when I try to explain my understanding of several important issues, here are the books that have influenced me.

Boushey, DeLong & Steinbaum – After Piketty –

Heinberg – The end of growth –

Krugman – Arguing with zombies –

Krugman – Conscience of a liberal –

Lewis – The big short –

Lewis – Flash boys –

Piketty – Capital –

Reich – Saving capitalism: For the many not the few –

Reich – The system: Who rigged it, how to fix it –

Global economics – multiple books from Thomas Friedman

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