Twitter requires you to express yourself in 140 characters or less so you have to say what you have to say efficiently. My first sentence would be an entire Twitter post and you can probably tell that I am not a great Twitter user. I have difficulty being succinct.
An important use of Twitter is impressing others. Again, with only 140 characters to burn this is a challenge and there are few ways to do this while being subtle. Here are a few strategies I have picked up.
1) When attending an event that uses a hash tag others are likely to follow. Use this to your advantage. Start early and continue when the event has ended. As in, I am excited to attend #specialevent. I will be doing something important (insert activity) at #specialevent and look forward to sharing with you (the little people in the audience). Had a great time at #specialevent.
1a) You can even use this strategy if you are not attending. Can’t make it to #specialevent this year because I am doing something more important. Maybe next year.
2) Conduct personal business publicly rather than use the direct message option. When do you want to get together for our important planning session while at #specialevent @importantperson.
3) Mention the names of others in long lists – especially if these people have name recognition. They will likely notice your mention and may retweet. Shout out to my peeps – @importantperson1, @importantperson2, @etc.
4) Retweet any mention of you. Your name associated with the retweet is difficult to spot and your followers will be impressed.
@curmudgeon #coolpost #insightful