Don’t be a coward – Reagan did raise taxes

It appears that the joint super committee to end all committees evidently was unable to accomplish anything.

I blame it on the simplicity of the American people and their lack of understanding that complex problems require more in the way of a solution than a mindless commitment to no new taxes. (see The Pledge)

Evidently the committee members really did not believe they had the power to compromise. It is always – you change because I am right. I just agreed to participate to make this clear.

Cut expenditures AND raise taxes. BTW – this is what Reagan, supposed Republican hero, actually did. HE DID RAISE TAXES. It is those politicians who take on expenditures such as wars with taking responsibility for covering the expenses that do not understand balancing the budget.

I have created a mantra – see if this helps:

Repeat after me – Reagan raised taxes. Reagan raised taxes. It is OK to be responsible. It is OK to be responsible. I can think for myself. I can think for myself. Rich people have a little extra money. Rich people have a little extra money. I don’t need all of those campaign contributions. I don’t need all of those campaign contributions.

Repeat as many times as necessary.

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