I have been a blogger since 2003. Since that time I have written several thousand posts scattered across three different blogs. My original blog and the one I use to share my more serious thoughts on technology and education I call Learning Aloud – cute don’t you think.
I track access to Learning Aloud using Google Analytics. Using my well honed scientific mind I have carefully scrutinized that data and concluded that no one really much cares what I think. I have opinions like most popular educational bloggers but the posts in which I speculate about educational topics do not appear to draw much attention. I seem not to be among the crowd of popular education bloggers who are picked up on rss feeds allowing people to connect to just see what I have to say.
Most of my “hits” seem to come from searches for my descriptions of how something works. My most popular post during the past 30 days was something I wrote in 2008 about the similarities between cloud computing and the concept of thin clients. Somehow, my comments on using the iPad to write on Google docs has made the first page when you do a Google search on this topic. How about that text to speech feature of Snow Leopard – now that topic should appeal to the masses. I guess at least some attention is better than nothing. It seems I explain some things people want to understand (top posts from the past 30 days), but my opinions are not that interesting. If I can make topics like thin client computing interesting, surely what I think about educational reform should be spell binding. Perhaps there is just too much competition in the “opinion space”.