Reptile/Amphibian of North Dakota Clipart

Welcome to the Game and Fish Project Wild clipart collection. These images are available for noncommercial classroom use. Click on the small ("thumbnail") images to view larger images. To save an image to your computer, position the cursor on the image and hold the mouse button down (right button for Windows users) until a menu appears. Select the option that saves to disk.
American Toad
Blotched Tiger Salamander
Bull Snake
Canadian Toad
Common Garter Snake
Gray Salamander
Gray Tree Frog
Great Plains Toad
Hognose Snake
Leopard Frog
False Map Turtle
Mud Puppy
Plains Garter Snake
Prairie Rattlesnake
Prairie Skink
Redbelly Snake
Sagebrush Lizard
Snapping Turtle
Softshell Turtle
Spadefoot Toad
Tiger Salamander
Western Chorus Frog
Wood Frog
Western Painted Turtle
Woodhouse's Toad