Tag Archives: writing
Advantages of the Writing Process Model
Skilled writing combines multiple processes. The Writing Process Model (Flower and Hayes, 1981) is widely accepted as a way to describe the various component skills that combine to enable effective writing. Rather than treat writing as one skill, it has … Continue reading
You learn when you write
You learn when you write. Writing across the curriculum develops writing skills, but also retention and understanding of the topic that is the subject of the writing activity. Writing across the curriculum continues to be proven effective (see reference for … Continue reading
Compositional thinking
I started thinking about how K12 curriculum modifications are generated and why some areas of emphasis gain traction and others do not. I wrote a long post with a promise to follow up with suggestions elsewhere. One example from my … Continue reading
Writing to learn
Writing to learn is a theme I have long championed. Actually, I have moved to “Authoring to learn” and “Tutoring to learn” as ways to expand the dated notion of writing to learn to include multiple media and the known … Continue reading
Another comment option
I wish Google would add another option to commenting. The system as it exists seems optimized for collaborative writing. Adding a “commenting” option that would kind of fit between suggesting and viewing would be better suited to peer editing. Suggesting … Continue reading
Are we becoming better writers and is social media responsible
Here is an article from the Globe and Mail (and you thought I was not widely read) on the subject of generational changes in writing proficiency. The article paints a positive picture and attributes improvement to social media. I have … Continue reading
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