Tag Archives: study
Multiple Choice Flashcards
Questions are one of the most effective learning tools easily made available to both educator and student. I like to describe answering a question as using an external task to manipulate a cognitive behavior. Whatever the fancy models and descriptive … Continue reading
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Questions and studying
The “testing effect” is one of the most reliable tactics for improving the benefits of study behavior. This tactic involves the use of some study time to attempt to recall information to respond to questions. This is sometimes called “retrieval … Continue reading
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Innovations in note taking
Reimagining how familiar study tactics such as highlighting and note taking can be improved continue to attract my attention. I am particularly interested in how technology can augment these traditional study tactics. I also continually argue that there is an … Continue reading
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Learning is not a spectator sport
Learning is not a spectator sport. Who ever said it was? I am always surprised when I encounter a post explaining the new finding that a learning activity requiring the learner must do more than encounter content in order to … Continue reading
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