Tag Archives: net neutrality
New Neutrality Vote
The FCC will soon vote on net neutrality. It appears the vote will go 3-2 against maintaining neutrality. I have written for several years explaining my opposition to this change (use tag to view previous posts). This is largely a … Continue reading
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Net neutrality explained
I consider myself an education blogger, but I write about a variety of topics. I see these other issues as interconnected or at least connected to how I think about education. My more focused interest is in the role technology … Continue reading
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The NetFlix deal is good only for entertainment junkies
Okay, so you now can binge on Netflix without the annoying delays as your download catches up. Was this a deal with the devil? The answer is likely a matter of which companies can negotiate (pay) for full speed access. … Continue reading
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Scott Ingram on Net Neutrality
The recent ruling on net neutrality should be something we follow. I came across this “This Week in Google” podcast and thought Scott Ingram did a great job of explaining the issues and present standing of the issue. He mentioned … Continue reading
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Verizon Sues FCC
The Washington Post reports that Verizon is suing the FCC contending that the net neutrality rules limiting the restrictions providers can impose are too restrictive. The object to the expectation that providers cannot control content. For example, the rules prevent … Continue reading
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Comcast/NBC Venture – I don’t know what to think
I have been writing in support of the net neutrality cause for several years (e.g., a recent post describing core concepts in Tim Wu’s book). Today, it appears that the FCC approved a joint venture of cable provider Comcast and … Continue reading
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