Tag Archives: equity
Educational advantage of the wealthy
This article from the NYTimes outlining the educational advantages allowed the children of the wealthy. The anguished and often angry national debate over how to improve American educational standards, focused intently on grading students and teachers, mostly bypasses how the … Continue reading
Conclusions drawn from international examination scores
I have been reading Diane Ravitch’s Reign of Error in which Ravitch attacks many politicized positions on public education. Her core concern is the privatization of public education and Ravitch disputes multiple complaints against public education based on what she … Continue reading
Income equality – who thinks it is an issue?
So what is wrong with a tax increase to address budget issues? Much of the recent rhetoric seems focused on the “control of spending” as the means to control the budget. What problems does a reduction in spending address (small … Continue reading
Home access is not enough
An as yet unpublished study conducted by Farley and Robinson used a quality methodology to address the question that low income children are disadvantaged by the lack of computer access at home. The study randomly providing resources to some low … Continue reading
Something for the season
We are often told to use the holiday season to consider the plight of those who are less fortunate. We know the financial gap is growing. It also appears we are tolerating a growing achievement gap. Something for those of … Continue reading
An optimistic take on BYOD
I have been a critic of the bring your own device advocates (BYOD), not so much because I am against diversity in devices (although I do assume this increases the complexity of the instructor’s job), but because of the diversity … Continue reading