Author Archives: admin
Doodlebuddy Avatar
I owe Craig Badura for this idea. He suggests that Doodle Buddy can be used to create avatars that resemble students, but still provide some identity protection. Doodlebuddy is an app that allows the creation of simple drawings. I used … Continue reading
The concept of a fediverse or interconnected servers is that multiple independent servers offering the same service exist and are linked. So instead of an approach such as that of Facebook or Twitter in which the same content may come … Continue reading
Ngram data
I have been reading Putnam’s “The Upswing” which considers trends in American society between individualism and communitarianism. One interesting data source cited to show various trends is based on the frequency with which different words appear in the writing of … Continue reading
Power of tutoring
Tutoring is a proven approach to improving student learning. Bloom proposed what he described as the two-sigma challenge suggesting the educational innovations be compared against the known benefits of tutoring. My interest in tutoring has long been in the potential … Continue reading
Global warming and frigid temps
It might be hard to appreciate the reality of human-made global warming if you are spending today in Texas without power, but global warming may just be an unfortunate choice of words for climate change. This 2010 NASA Climate Kids … Continue reading
The online school alternative
You might get the impression from news coverage that K12 online classes have been a great failure and are continuing only to provide a remedy until COVID can be contained. Reports of stressed and depressed students, learning problems, missing students, … Continue reading