Author Archives: admin
YouTube Transcript Tricks
YouTube offers viewers some text transcript features I am guessing are unfamiliar to most. The following offers two examples. To generate a transcript record you could save or use to return to specific points in the video. Below the video … Continue reading
Chrome Flex
Chrome Flex has been available for a couple of months now, but I had to wait until I returned home from my winter break and had access to a couple of old computers and a flash drive. One of the … Continue reading
Decentralized Twitter
You may have read something about Jack Dorsey, Twitter founder, lamenting the social media platform that he created. “The days of Usenet, IRC, the web… even email (w PGP)… were amazing,” Mr Dorsey tweeted. “Centralising discovery and identity into corporations … Continue reading
History of the e-book business
This article from Publishers Weekly offers a history of e-book issues and explains the multiple legal issues encountered along the way. Amazon, Apple, and Google have each been involved in shaping present publishing practices that while online have also drastically … Continue reading
iMovie for iOS – Magic Movie
I haven’t used iMovie in a long time so when a new version for iOS was released promising a Magic Movie maker I had to give it a try. The update added two new features – Magic Movie and Storyboards. … Continue reading
Jackie Robinson Day
It has been 75 years since Jackie Robinson was the first black man to play in the major leagues. Today he is remembered for initiating this advance for baseball and the country.