Author Archives: admin
Bird Buddy Video
I have described the circumstances that led Cindy to invest in the development of Bird Buddy in a previous post. Quickly, Bird Buddy is a combination bird feeder and motion activated camera that allows the collection of the images that … Continue reading
Notetaking basics
I write a lot about the specifics of notetaking. This may not be the ideal way to present notetaking to K12 educators looking for an overview to guide their classroom presentation of notetaking skills to students. I encountered a post … Continue reading
Apple FreeForm
Apple recently introduced a new tool as part of the most recent OS releases (iOS 16.2 and OS13.1). FreeForm is free to all Apple users and is described as an unlimited whiteboard allowing the placement of text, images, videos, objects, … Continue reading
Another AI experience
Open access to ChatGPT has generated a lot of attention focused on the capabilities of AI writing. Here is another interesting application. I use Glasp to annotate online articles, to store the annotations I make to Kindle books, and to … Continue reading
Mastodon – Quick Start for Twitter Users
Educators may be concerned with the direction Twitter has taken and are looking for alternatives to explore. Maybe, you are just curious to see what else is out there. My recommendation would be that you give Mastodon a try. Mastodon might … Continue reading
AI and writing to learn
This is a second post intended to bring AI tools to the attention of educators. This post is focused on an AI writing tool capable of generating extended prose in response to a question/request. Educators should make the effort to … Continue reading