I finally had time to experiment with the NotebookLM conversation feature. This feature generates an audio conversation related to content you have added to a notebook without specific guidance or in response to a prompt you provide. I thought I would give it a try.
I keep a large collection of notes on my academic interests in Obsidian. There are ways to apply AI to the content within Obsidian, but I have found better results exporting content and have been very impressed with exporting my content in a way I can explore it in NotebookLM. I have a large collection of notes about taking notes and decided to ask NotebookLM about the issue of whether there are differences in the benefits of taking notes on a digital device in contrast to taking notes by hand. So, rather than just asking NotebookLM to converse about the collection of notes, I used a prompt to focus the conversation on handwritten and digital notes.

The results were impressive. I should listen a couple of times to see if there are any statements I would not make myself, but the accuracy of what is said is of a quality a student would find to be useful. Here is a link if you want to listen.
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