How ChatGPT works

For those interested in AI and AI applied to language challenges such as what are demonstrated in ChatGPT, I recommend this explanation by Wolfram. I admit it is way over my head and I became completely lost when it moved beyond generating sentences to sentences that reflect the knowledge in its knowledge base. I was exposed to matrix mathematics back in graduate school, but I did not take the calculus-based version of statistics so the determination of weights and such things are beyond my understanding. The math is just one of the issues to contemplate in machine learning. I have been looking for something that took on the challenge of explaining the AI of language understanding and production. I think I have found such as effort, but to my frustration I just can’t understand it. Wolfram has a YouTube effort to explain many of the same concepts, but he seems to explain things well but my comprehension was the same – Wolfram YouTube and Wolfram YouTube

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