School Tech in a Recession

This article from Tech and Learning considers the challenges to K12 tech departments in a recession.

When budgets are tight, leaders endeavor to keep cuts as far away from the classroom as possible. Thus, reductions are made in “nice to have” programs and projects, such as new technology, equipment upgrades, supplemental programs, professional development, and non-classroom staff, many of which are the backbone of the technology department

The article identifies practices tech directors can apply to limit the damage. Most involve clearly articulating the plan that is place:

What activities are the responsibility of each category of employee?

What are the replacement cycles for hardware and what are the commitments for software licenses? What are considered the highest priority items?

Vendors will also be under financial pressure. Will the be opportunities to secure multi-year contracts at significantly reduced rates?

Is your school a part of a cooperative and which services might be available to a cooperative?

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