Solve social media issues now

I was listening to a podcast episode from the creatives responsible for the documentary “The social dilemma”. They were describing the unexpected popularity of their documentary and their experiences in the year since the documentary was released. Their personal interests in generating documentaries to target serious issues took on the social media project as a secondary target taking time away from their primary interest in climate change.

They made an interesting point about their interest in social media. They concluded that the issues they describe in the Social Dilemma have ended up making it difficult to take on other challenges. The polarization encouraged by social media has made serious discussion of other problems far more difficult. I agree or at least our differences used to be more hidden. Why did disagreements over masks, vaccinations to tamp down a pandemic, financial inequities, etc. become much more difficult to take on logically and factually because of the tribalism that has resulted from social media driven animosities?


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