Try Wt.Social

Many are quick to criticize the limitations and the evils of social media, but continue to add their content to the same “services” they criticize. The reason tends to be that this is where the folks they want to interact with are. This problem is called the network effect. It becomes a circular problem – you don’t join a network because your friends aren’t there and your friends don’t join because you aren’t there. Make the first move.

Make the commitment to spend some time on a different service even if it means cross-posting comments. My suggestion for an alternative to Facebook would be WT.Social was started by Jimmy Wales the developer of wikipedia. It is based on friends and what are called subwikis. Think of a subwiki as a topic or interest group. You follow people and participate in subwikis. This produces a feed that resembles your newsfeed in Facebook. Bring a few friends. is supported by contributions rather than ads. If you like the experience, commit a few dollars to keep it going.

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