I have been writing about the potential of personal weather stations for collecting data for classroom projects. Data from my own station can be access from these posts. An interesting option for those who have activated an Ambient Weather station is to join a network of users that share data from their sites. These data can also be contributed to the Weather Underground.
It occurred to me that the weather issue of the day is the extremely high temperatures in the west of the United States. I thought I would check the data from others with Ambient systems to take a close look at temperatures from this region. The first image shows my weather station. The second image is a screen capture of the temps this afternoon in the southern U.S.

School is out for most, but taking a look at the temps that few of us have personally experienced would seem a great way to start a serious conversation. As I explain in my original posts about this network of citizen scientists, individuals responsible for these devices can also post comments and images from their locations.
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