Carrot2 Search

Search is likely a technology-based opportunity most of us have given up exploring. We use Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo and leave it at that. Perhaps if we feel especially inquisitive we use more than one of these options. Search is an area some are still exploring trying to come up with innovative modifications that may prove useful to users. Carrot2 is an open source effort that applies a clustering algorithm to search results – think trying to organize search results into folders. I don’t see Carrot2 as the equal of the more popular search engines when it comes to power, but it is interesting to explore what this service generates

The search term input is very traditional. Here I am searching for “mastery learning” and technology just because I have been writing about this topic lately.

The results came back looking like this. Because the flipped classroom allows educators to prepare videos to be viewed outside of the classroom as a replacement for classroom presentations, this is a technique some educators use to free up face to face time to work with individuals or small groups of students struggling making progress and this is strategy some see as a way to allow greater personalization. The clustering technology found several hits on flipped classroom including mastery and decided this was a cluster.


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