QuikPub – why has no one thought of this before

QuikPub is based an idea that is so obvious. You connect to the QuikPub site and enter content you want to make available into a traditional web-based writing screen (links, images, and typical text features), click a button, and QuikPub creates a web page with this content. You are provided an address to post or send those who you want to see your content and an address you can use to modify or delete you page. That is it. No requirement to sign in. No charge.

I have no idea how these folks intent to monetize this effort and this always makes me wonder about longevity, but for those with something to say and not necessarily wanting to align with a service for regular blogging or social media interaction this seems useful.

Yes, I do think there will be abuses. However, as a user you are only providing access to the one page you generated.

My sample post.

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