WordPress and Apple

I am writing this post on my iPad using the WordPress app just to see that I still can. WordPress is among multiple companies complaining about the 30% Apple expects to distribute their apps through the Apple store. I can’t remember if I paid for this app and I seldom use it to post anything unless I am on the road and have minimized the equipment I have taken with me. WordPress execs claim Apple wants WordPress to add in-app purchases so Apple can make money.

The App Store is easy to use. The challenge in downloading apps from multiple providers is a hassle and payment increases the complexity of the process. There is also a security issue in getting apps from multiple online locations.

Just to be clear Apple has nothing to do with the WordPress software on servers that you have accessed in reading this post. This software sends you content you view through any browser. The issue for all practical purposes is a battle over the financial model we all use to find, purchase, and download software we use on our devices. Who controls the processes and what is a fair sharing of any revenues generated.

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