Cindy just sent me this video of a teacher explaining the use of a new discussion tool environment. The tool is called Parlay Ideas. I must admit I have not used this tool and I tend not to say much until I have explored what the tool can do. I am ignoring my own rule in this case because I think this tool is worth a look and the teacher video does a much better job than I could do with limited exposure. Present circumstances make the potential of this service important to consider. Some of the ideas that have gone into the creation of this tool and are innovative (e.g., student anonymity for discussion, but known to teacher for evaluation).

As seems so often the case, I find the cost for this tool a little high for the teacher who might want to use the tool casually. There is a free version. Again, my own biases are showing here and without experience my conservative reaction may be inappropriate as I find the capabilities of the tool and some of the related capabilities (e.g., discussion starters for many common topics) so well developed.
I really like the capability I see in a tool such as this and applying the principles of argumentation.
Take a look and reach your own conclusion.
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