Watch the birdie

We are all looking for things to do around the house and yard to pass the time until we have greater freedom to move about. I am spending more time gardening. I have also been watching and trying to photograph birds. When I am up north, I see many different birds. Some are not our friends and a couple of the woodpeckers have made large holes our our home for a nest.

My urban home offers fewer nature options unless you count the turkeys that kind of wander about. I have tried feeding birds here until this Spring and we do have a pair of cardinals which is a species we do not see up north.

Four or five years ago Cindy bought me a bird cam she found on sale. I have not really used it, but I thought I would try it to see if I could get some photos of the cardinals. At first, the presence of the camera seemed to scare everything off, but I did see one of the cardinals and so I hooked the camera up to my computer to see what I could find. This is interesting. I am going to have to learn to set the time and date on the camera.

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