Old guy a perfect 10

PEW has a simple 10 item MC exam it put together to evaluate Internet knowledge. You can try it yourself. Yes, I did score 101/10 putting me in the top 2% of those taking the quiz. Yes, I know more than the average 70+ guy and more than the average individual taking the quiz. Internet knowledge helps, but so does just a lot of experience evaluating MC items. I did pretty well as a 65+ taking the MN drivers test. The one question I missed was messed up. 😉

Anyway, the quick quiz offers some interesting insights about age differences in knowledge and the type of thing most folks don’t know. The toughest question involved the recognition of an Internet entrepreneur.

So, just for all of you digital natives out there. I am calling you out. Perfection is tough to beat. (PEW summary)

No cheating now. Using the Internet not allowed.

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