Brave ecosystem update

I continue as an advocate for the Brave browser and ecosystem. Brave is a browser based on Chrome so most of the extension you aleady used in Chrome will work. Brave is attempting to solve the interrelated problems of personal privacy and support for content creators. Here is the perspective of another writer on what Brave provides.

The Brave ecosystem is as important as the browser itself. This ecosystem allows users to experience ads that do not result in the sharing of personal information with 3rd parties, allows users to be compensated small amounts for viewing these ads, and allows users to donate these small amounts to content providers in proportion to the time spent on content providers sites. It is more complicated than this, but these are the core components. For me, this system satisfies the fairness test that is often lacking in the Internet as most of us experience it.

Brave is easy to download and setup. If you want to put in your own money or take out money based on your usage, you would have to setup a cryptocurrency account and this involves multiple steps I see as putting off most users. For the amount of revenue you would generate through personal use, this is not worth the effort. I like the simple approach as a way to protect privacy and compensate providers.


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