Wehe and Internet Neutrality

I have written on multiple occasions about my frustration with the FCC abandoning the expectation of net neutrality. The Republican focus on big business and big money is very different from my own way of thinking. I just don’t see that monopolistic companies whose only service is providing Internet access do much for encouraging innovation.

Anyway, these companies (e.g, Verizon, AT&T) suggest that it is not their intention to prioritize certain content providers over others (equal access and equal speed for all would be a simple explanation of neutrality), but it seems clear that throttling and fast lanes do exist.

You can participate in tracking the behavior of the ISPs you use with a free app called WEHE. This accesses several key providers (Amazon, Netflix, etc.) to see if you access is being throttled. 

This test I ran showed differentiation. I must admit that the tests I have run from the ISP providing my home do not. 

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