Your Next Read

I am a year or so behind in getting through the books I have purchased and unless I stop watching programs and listening to podcasts that recommend books this will not change. However, you may not be in the same situation.

Your Next Read (credit to Richard Byrne for suggesting this service) builds a web of suggestions from a book you like. I created the following web based on Friedman and Mandelbaum’s “That used to be us”. I was surprised to find when I attempted to enroll (which allows the storage of information on your choices) that I was already a participant.

A closer look at the image above will indicate that a user can contribute to the web of suggestions in two ways – adding a recommendation and weighing in on linked books that have already been read to indicate a reaction to the book.

I must admit I could not resist looking at the web generated for one of our books – Integrating technology for meaningful learning. Unlike the Friedman book, I have not read any of the suggestions.

Since I know the books that played a role in our writing the book, I thought I would construct a web of my own. This is not a complete web (only so many options were allowed), but I think it would be a good starting point for others.

This seemed to work although the service deleted a couple of my recommendations (the last two I think) in favor of allowing others to make suggestions. I guess this makes sense given their approach to using reader input.


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