ToDo – Wunderlist

From time to time I need a todo list. For me, this is necessary when I work on big projects and I worry when I think of something now I will not remember what I have thought of later. Say I am working on Chapter 4 of a book and I encounter something I want to be certain to include in Chapter 8. I guess this is a basic description of what a todo list is for.

From time to time I have used Wunderlist. It works great and it is free. My problem with todo lists is that I forget to use them. There must somehow be something funny in this situation – a todo app to remind you to use your todo app.

Wunderlist may have come up with a solution. There is a chrome extension for Wunderlist called Wunderlist New Tab. What this extension does is reveal your Wunderlist ToDo list each time you open a new chrome tab (below). You are constantly reminded of your todo list in a way that is not overly intrusive. I find this helpful and it is easy to disable the extension when I have no need for such reminders.



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