Media literacy is more basic than STEM

I think it is important for the education community to set priorities for the goals to be accomplished. Time and resources are limited at all levels and not every societal ill or need can be addressed. My concern is that educators chase the news and chase the new shiny thing rather than carefully considering the expectations for education in society. Coding makes a great example for me. I wrote code for a living and I think having some individuals capable of coding is important. However, the “coding for all” thing makes no sense to me.

I am presently willing to argue that media literacy is a more important goal. As a life skill, having the capacity to question information AND perhaps more important to recognize personal biases in the information you or I see out when making decisions. What good is science when politicians are willing to promote the denial of scientific conclusions that are inconsistent with a political agenda and educators are limited in the openness with which they can address politically charged issues?

Anyway, personal frustrations aside, here is a recommendation for a recent (free) publication on media literacy educators might want to review.

The promises, challenges, and futures of media literacy (provided by Data and Society, 2018)


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