Google docs/keep integrated

I am a sucker for ways to improve my reading/writing workflow. If you are a blogger, student, or teacher, you likely have similar needs.

My “go to” approach has been to collect ideas and content in Evernote and then write in Google docs. I stick with Evernote even though the cost has gone up, but others may be interested in less costly alternatives. I have written before about the potential of Google Keep and now Google has created a way to integrate docs and Keep.

Google docs now lists Google Keep as a tool (see image below).

Selecting this option will open a panel to the right side of the Google doc you are working on (see image below).

Items can simply be pulled into the active doc from Keep (you can also use the Insert option that is an option under the three-dot menubar). This is a convenient way to bring in notes, links and segments of text you would likely summarize as you develop content.


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