Screen time

Our grandkids and their parents visit the lake frequently and we get to observe the parenting skills and priorities of our own kids. Interesting! I notice that drinking water is a much bigger deal than I remember. In general, health-related concerns seem to receive a lot of attention.

Screen time comes up. The kids have iPads (our fault) and do like some television programs. Whatever happened to programs like Sesame Street and Reading Rainbow? The parents do seem to take note of how much time the kids are spending. They are reluctant to complain when I watch a three-hour ball game while using my own iPad before watching some CNN. Seniority does have some advantages.

I happen to notice this NYTimes post about screen time. The article mentions a documentary about web addiction in China (Web Junkie), cites the typical data about media exposure (you can listen and watch multiple devices at once), and offers some links to medical commentary. I have read some literature on this issue including the possible link between media violence and video gaming. It is complicated and applied research often involves methodological challenges that make cause and effect difficult to tease apart.

Note: The full version of Web Junkie will be aired on Monday evening (July 13) on PBS.


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