RSS Aggregation

I have this eerie feeling that many educators rely on Twitter for the discover process. If the title for this post befuddled you, you are probably one such person. I do think Twitter is a way to discover new resources, but it is very hit and miss. My old school mentality still places value on RSS aggregation of the content produced by valued bloggers.

Translated, if necessary, this means I use an RSS reader to follow multiple bloggers. The reader lets me know when something new surfaces. By using the aggregator rather than visiting each blog, the process of following 20-30 bloggers is very efficient. I can scan all blogs in a few minutes to identify new posts I want to read.

My present choice in an aggregator is Reeder 2. This software is not a freebie. I have abandoned free services if I rely on the service and I know there is a backend the company must continue to service and support. In other words, if I think the company must continue to spend money after I purchase a product for that product to continue to work for me I want to know that the company either received a reasonable payment for the service or charges an on-going fee. Reeder 2 costs $10 for the Mac. The iOS version is less expensive.

I have written a tutorial on setting up and using Reeder 2. The process of using RSS feeds is easier than it used to be and worth the trouble if following multiple bloggers is part of your routine.


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