iCloud does seem to be improving

I found this tutorial from iMore to be helpful for taking advantage of the power of iCloud. I admit despite the number of iDevices I own and use I have done little with iCloud. The service does seem to work well. Perhaps Apple is improving its cloud services.

Typically, Apple arrives late on the scene and offers customers a superior product allowing others to first explore possible pitfalls. Internet services have long been one of the major limitations for Apple and early attempts to catch up have not accomplished the typical measure of success. Getting consumers to buy in to benefits of an integrated approach (easy access no matter your location or the specific device) represents an obvious opportunity for a company with multiple products (computers, tablets, phone, watch). However, while I  can appreciate the improvement in iCloud, just what would the advantage to me be of switching from DropBox or Box? I have experience with these other services, plenty of storage capacity, and I can work cross platform not just cross device. How about this Apple? You make your money on hardware. A terabyte of storage might get my attention.


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