The SAMR model – After reading some descriptions of SAMR, I have a question. Who is intended to be the user of this model? Is SAMR one of those ways of explaining a phenomenon to anyone who might be interested; e.g., information processing model of cognitive psychology? Is it a way of capturing a common pattern of change in a specific area much in the way the way classic “diffusion of innovation model” describes a general pattern of adoption (if I remember correctly, the original example to explain the diffusion model was the adoption of hybrid seed corn). The diffusion model does not necessarily explain what should be done to encourage adoption. Hence, substitute technology in education for hybrid seed corn in agriculture and you have SAMR? By now the “early adopters” may have reached the stage of “modification” while the laggards have yet to achieve “substitution”.
It makes most sense to me as a guide for “coaches” and “facilitators” – as in, try making this kind of change and then we will move on to something requiring a greater leap. As such, it has principles of Vygotsky’s “zone of proximal development” as a guide for the guide – push the learner beyond the present comfort zone, but not beyond what they can conceptualize.
Sorry – if this is completely new. SAMR – substitution, augmentation, modification, redefinition. I would describe SAMR as a description of ways in which a traditional instructional practices might be modified through the sue of technology.