1%’s Problem

I cannot claim to be a Vanity Fair reader, but one of the great things about social networks is that you encounter suggestions for things you would not normally encounter that are worth your time.

I recommend this Vanity Fair piece – The Percent’s problem (Joseph Stiglitz) – it is worth your time.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, a purebred patrician, understood that the only way to save an essentially capitalist America was not only to spread the wealth, through taxation and social programs, but to put restraints on capitalism itself, through regulation. Roosevelt and the economist John Maynard Keynes, while reviled by the capitalists, succeeded in saving capitalism from the capitalists. Richard Nixon, known to this day as a manipulative cynic, concluded that social peace and economic stability could best be secured by investment—and invest he did, heavily, in Medicare, Head Start, Social Security, and efforts to clean up the environment.

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