Facebook Followup

The new movie, The Social Network, tells the story of Mark Zuckerberg and the origins of Facebook. There was a good deal of heap in the run up to the debut of the movie with a good deal of debate regarding how authentic it was. When I saw the movie, I had already read Accidental Millionaires. I found the movie to be fairly true to the book, but I am still unclear how true to the truth either account actually are. I am very interested in technology and the minds that have created the tools and services we use today. However, I have also found the personalities responsible for Apple, Microsoft, and now Facebook to be quite disturbing. It is not so much the intense competition that bothers me as the behaviors that seem unethical and perhaps even outright illegal. Just what value system has been modeled for future leaders of the digital economy.

So, I have been fascinated with other accounts that might offer a more fact-based perspective. I recently found this program from Bloomberg Game Changers – nothing here to change my concern. Have been returned to the days of the Robber Barons?

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