Diigo change for free and ed users

If you are a Diigo user, you want to pay attention the new list of services provided to free, premium and education users. If you are a free or education user and have been “caching” copies of pages you bookmark, you will find this (and some other) services are no longer available. Why is this an issue? Some sites make content available temporarily and then expect users to pay for access. With caching, this content could be saved. I did always wonder why this was legal. It now appears it is allowed  only if you pay ( $40 a year). I still wonder if it is really legal to get around the clear intent of the content provider.

This is the kind of thing I hate about online services. I decide on one service over another (Diigo over Delicious) and then after investing time in developing the resource to fit my interests find that the specific variable that was the deciding factor in the original decisions has changed. Actually, Delicious has some advantages in that it appears to be listed as a “sharing” option from readers I use and Diigo is not.

I guess sometimes you do get what  you are willing to pay for.

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